
Rundbrief Nr. 10

Liebe Gönnerinnen und Gönner

Die Taubstummenschule bedankt sich für die Unterstützung. Die Sammelaktion hat 1500.- sfr. eingebracht und wurde der Direktorin der Schule übergeben. Das Geld wird für den Ausbau der Berufsbezogenen Ausbildung der Schüler verwendet siehe unten.

The Director and staff – Good Samaritan School for the Deaf, thank you
for the good work done towards the entire community at large. And for
the donation of Ug. Shillings 4 million given for the good running of
the school and other project activities.

Our school is currently serving a total of 94 primary students and 11 vocational students. We believe that every child deserves a good education and a loving upbringing regardless of their hearing impairment. We hope that students would be able to support themselves and their families with the knowledge and skills gained at our school. Therefore, we have a number of future priorities that we would like to target.

  1. Vocational Section Improvements: Vocational programs are essential in preparing our students to be self-sufficient and independent individuals who can contribute to their homes and communities. Our vocational programs aim to equip our students with tailoring, hairdressing, computer and building construction skills. We hope that the vocational programs will soon be self-sustainable, yet it still requires a good foundation of resources and skills. Hence, we deem the following items as our top priorities.
  •  Provide good materials to make marketable products
  •  Have at least 3 good vocational teachers
  •  Build a building specifically for the vocational programs (at the moment, it locates in a small room in the teachers’ dormitory)

Thank you very much.
God bless you.
Nsamba Scovia

Das Bild zeigt Kasujja Twaha ein Waisenkind mit seiner Schule im Hintergrund, er lebt das ganze Jahr hindurch zusammen mit seinem Bruder im Internat und besucht die 3. Primarklasse. Wir übernehmen die Schulgebühren seit Januar 2016 und ab 2017 auch für seinen Bruder.

Kasujja Twaha