

Project’s in Uganda which are supported by smiles4africa

The only Important thing In life are traces of love, we leave behind, when we go 
Albert Schweitzer

Catherine Namaganda (picture) represents our organization “smiles4africa.org“ in Uganda and manages the project“a drop in the ocean” autonomously, within her budget. This enables her to offer help to children and families with little means in her immediate vicinity.

For example with school books, food, plantains, sweet potatoes from the garden and taking over cost’s of medicines. In addition with a cost sharing to maintain the neighbourhood street.

Local neighbourhood help is also important for associations and NGO’s to gain acceptance from the village community.

She is also responsible for ensuring that the school fees for the currently then children are paid on time. The director of St. John’s Primary School in Mukono grants us a reduction in fees. Quote: – I’ll give you a discount because I know that you always pay in on time and I can adjust my budget accordingly.-

ST. Johns Educational Centre Mukono
Ist ein Internat mit (Primar / Sekundar Schule) und einem im Aufbau befindenden Berufsausbildungszentrum. (Saloon, Schneiderin, Computer)
Sechs von uns unterstützten Kinder gehen hier zur Schule.

ST. John's primary and secondary school Mukono

Good Samaritan a school for the deaf in Kitengesa.
Die Taubstummen Schule „The Good Samaritan“ wurde von Mrs. Scovia Nsamba and Mr. Edward Nsamba im Jahr 1996 gegründet. Ihr Interesse an der Schulung für Taubstumme begann mit der Geburt des Tauben Grosskindes Madrine. Ganze Geschichte: