Unfortunately, Caroline Steinmann, a board member of smiles4africa, passed away at the end of June 2022, after a long illness. She was responsible for the auditing of the association.
There are now 5,100 francs left, which I will use to pay the school fees for 2023. It is not yet clear how things will continious.
We would like to thank everyone who has generously supported us over the years.
Hal smiles4frica, I am Herena Nanungi, asking for a support of my Child Martin age 8 years old, he dosen’t speak and can not stand. Just seats on his chair. He can not eat by himself, hands are palarised. So he needs support from u to buy him a wheel chair, diapers, also to take him to the ‘ THERAPY ‘ to improve his life. Will be greatfull. If my request is answered.
Catherine Namaganda (picture) represents our organization “smiles4africa“ in Uganda and manages the project “A drop in the ocean” autonomously, within her budget.This enables her to offer help to children and families with little means in her immediate vicinity.
For example with school books, food, plantains, sweet potatoes from the garden and taking over cost’s of medicines. In addition with a cost sharing to maintain the neighbourhood street. Local neighbourhood help is also important for associations and NGOs to gain acceptance from the village community.
She is also responsible for ensuring that the school fees for the currently then children are paid on time. The director of St. John’s Primary School in Mukono grants us a reduction in fees. Quote: – I’ll give you a discount because I know that you always pay in on time and I can adjust my budget accordingly.-
Girl with an open back we paid for the hospital costs
Mother when handing over oil and cornmeal
«Smiles4africa» has been founded in 2010 and received CHF 81,929.00 in donations by the end of 2020. CHF 75,808.00 were spent and thus,
10 children education,
4 young people completed vocational training (as a hotel specialist, car mechanic, bricklayer and travel specialist with IATA exam).
Enabled Olivia a 3 month internship.
Supported the deaf and dumb home in Kitengesa with contributions.
Paid annual rent for the Teenage Mother Center.
Bought a boy a wheelchair so he could go to school.
Paid for Hospital, doctors visits and medication.
Helped a woman in a wheelchair with food during Covid-19
No mountains were moved, but it helped those in the need.
Threshing of beans after drying.
COVID-19 is also prevalent in Uganda
In the meantime government relaxed the COVID-19 restrictions.Nevertheless, the poorest are suffering from the crisis. The income is gone. Food prices have skyrocket.
The schools are still closed but are expected to open in December. Nevertheless, there are still parentless children at ST John’s boarding school in Mukono, who need to be supplied with food and taken care of. Thus the school fees for the pupils are also owed.
Mit dem Projekt “a drop in the ocean“ unterstützen wir verarmte Kinder und Familien. Zum Beispiel eine Familie mit sieben Kinder die in diesem armseligen Haus wohnt. Bild unten. Rechts die verfallene Toilette.
Die Hygienischen Voraussetzungen sind alles andere als optimal und müssen dringend verbessert werden. Unsere Vertreterin in Uganda ist im Kontakt mit der Familie um einen weg aus der Armut zu finden.
The Projekt “a drop in the ocean” supports impoverished children and families. For example, a family with seven children who live in a poor house. (see picture) Right the dilapidated toilet.
The hygienic requirements are anything but optimal and should be improved urgently. Our representative in Uganda is in contact with the family to find a way out of poverty.
Picture of the Living situation, of a family and seven children.