Dear donors, Unfortunately, Caroline Steinmann, a board member of smiles4africa, passed away at the end of June 2022, after a long illness. She was responsible for the auditing of the association. There are now 5,100 francs left, which I will…
Request from Herena Nanungi
Hal smiles4frica, I am Herena Nanungi, asking for a support of my Child Martin age 8 years old, he dosen’t speak and can not stand. Just seats on his chair. He can not eat by himself, hands are palarised. So he…
Report 2020
Catherine Namaganda (picture) represents our organization “smiles4africa“ in Uganda and manages the project “A drop in the ocean” autonomously, within her budget.This enables her to offer help to children and families with little means in her immediate vicinity. For example…
a drop in the ocean
Picture of the Living situation, of a family and seven children.